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The decisive moment of Henri Cartier-Bresson

Probably, Henri Cartier-Bresson is the most famous photographer of all time, maybe because it's a name that sounds good, or because he was the first western photographer to enter in the USSR before everyone else did it, or because he managed to capture the many nuances or the ordinary daysl. He could always take something from every situation, or rather, whenever the instinct and reason led him to predict something interesting.

He began making photographs in 1931, when he decided to explore the reality entering it completely, leaving the painting and going in the Southern Europe (France, Spain, Italy). But he also worked for the film with director Jean Renoir.

He founded the photojournalism agency Magnum in 1947, after having participated in the Second World War, with David Seymour, Robert Capa, George Rodger and William Vandivert.
Then, he travelled the world going to China (in the days of the Mao revolution), Mexico, Northern America, Cuba, India (Gandhi just few years before his death), Japan, etc.

He leaved the world in 2004 at the age of 94.

Henri Cartier-Bresson Foundation
His books on Amazon, on La Feltrinelli and on GoodReads

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